More Than One Million Children Work In Mexico

A recent study by the Secretary of Work and Social Provision revealed that one in eight (more than 1 million) children between the ages of 5 and 13 work and 2,500,000 teenagers must work to help support their families.

Of teenagers aged 14-17, sixty percent work, and of those who do work, almost half (47%) work at least 35 hours a week, causing the number of teens who don’t go to school because they work to be more than 1.4 million.

Article in La Jornada (Spanish)
(Via: Vivir Mexico)

(Photo by: Javier Valdez)

What We’ve Been Up To

What We’ve Been Up To

We’ve been back in Mexico for a few weeks now, and we’ve been pretty busy. The other day someone asked me what I’ve been doing.

I’ve been so busy that I couldn’t respond. After thinking it through, here’s what’s been keeping me occupied in the last few weeks:

  1. I went to the Dimension Juvenil youth ministry conference.
  2. A professor from Huntington University visited us. I invited her to teach in February here in Mexico City.
  3. Our youth group hosted a large concert at church (and a bigger concert coming this Sunday)
  4. I helped Huberto with the end of quarter at seminary (helping with exam, reviews, etc)
  5. I preached at a local church last Sunday for Seminary Anniversary
  6. I’ve been preparing for my class (syllabus, notes, etc)
  7. I’m finalizing details for class in December (visiting professor, syllabus, etc)
  8. I’m dreaming about something bigger and better for Youth Emphasis Week this coming February
  9. I’m putting together details to start a Certificate in Youth Ministry program (hopefully starting in January)
  10. I’m working with the seminary to begin a Master’s Degree in Youth Ministry (Starting as soon as possible)

Besides having a 3 month old and a 3 year old in the house (which is enough work by itself), I’ve been a little busy. There’s so much to do. Want to come help? We’re always looking for new teammates.