Imo’s Pizza in St. Louis

I didn't even know that St. Louis has it's own style of pizza until tonight.

Since it's about 29 degrees outside and I'm exhausted, I decided to just order some local food from a place called Imo's pizza.

St. Louis style pizza is super thin, almost like a cracker, and it has a different kind of cheese on it than regular pizza. I think the cheese is called Provel. It's tangy but good.

Overall, I liked it. Plus, they delivered it right to my hotel room.

Posted via email from Life and other things…

Heading to Urbana ’09

I’m sitting in the airport in Tampa waiting to board a plane to icy St. Louis for Urbana ’09, a huge gathering of people who are seeking God’s will for their life and to see how they fit into His plan for world evangelization.

I will be representing Youth Ministry International at our booth (#1007), and I’m hoping to connect with lots of people while I’m there.

I’m hoping that the right people are directed to the booth. I would love to see some more people join the YMI team of trainers around the world. We have so many invitations and not enough time. I think Urbana is huge for Youth Ministry International and our work to train youth workers around the world.