Dancing the Way at Urbana ’09
Dancing the way, the dance and drum group from My People International, shared a story of Jesus in a culturally relevant manner at Urbana ’09.
Dancing the way, the dance and drum group from My People International, shared a story of Jesus in a culturally relevant manner at Urbana ’09.
I didn't even know that St. Louis has it's own style of pizza until tonight.
I’m sitting in the airport in Tampa waiting to board a plane to icy St. Louis for Urbana ’09, a huge gathering of people who are seeking God’s will for their life and to see how they fit into His plan for world evangelization.
I will be representing Youth Ministry International at our booth (#1007), and I’m hoping to connect with lots of people while I’m there.
I’m hoping that the right people are directed to the booth. I would love to see some more people join the YMI team of trainers around the world. We have so many invitations and not enough time. I think Urbana is huge for Youth Ministry International and our work to train youth workers around the world.