Talents and Ministry
Last night at youth group, there were two things I think were really great.
The first one was that they recognized the youth group soccer team for winning a championship, but every single player who spoke talked about the fact that winning or losing wasn’t the goal of the team. The team exists to share a Christian testimony to the other teams they play against. They all are in a discipleship group, and they have had to work on their attitudes and actions on the field in order to maintain a good testimony in front of others.
The second great thing at youth group meeting tonight was a girl named Valerie who wants to study cinematography. She had a school assignment, and her teacher told her to make a short film. She made a great little short, and they screened it at youth group last night. A lot of the students in the group were in her film, which is very evangelistic. She’s showing it in school on Wednesday morning.
Both of these things stand out to me because they are examples of students using talents in ministry. There are so many ways to be useful for the Kingdom. Youth ministries need to provide opportunities for students to minister, using whatever means necessary.
What are you doing to help students use their talents to serve?
(Image by: LeRamz on flickr.)