There has been a little change to my reading plan. I’m taking a class at Columbia Biblical Seminary called Biblical Theology of Missions, so I have a few other books I’ll be reading (and writing reports on) in the next few weeks.
I haven’t received my other books yet, so I’ve started reading “Let the Nations Be Glad!: The Supremacy of God in Missions
” by John Piper. I had read part of this book before, but now I have to pay even more attention so I can write a report on it.
The other two books that I’m reading for my class are: The Bible and Other Faiths: Christian Responsibility in a World of Religions
and In Step With the God of the Nations
I’m looking forward to the class. I think it’s going to be beneficial. I’m sure I’ll be posting some of my thoughts on the topics.
(photo by bies on flickr)
Jerry Falwell frequently used to quote Charles E. Jones, saying, “Five years from now you’ll be the same person you are today except for the books you read and the people you meet.”
I’ve included a reading category in my major goals for 2009, which are broken down according to quarter. So, for April to June 2009, here is my list of books I’m trying to read:
Reading List April-June 2009
- Communicating for a Change by Andy Stanley (Finished)
- Unchristian by George Barna
- After Fidel by Brian Latell
- Axiom by Bill Hybels
- Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi and Tahl Raz
- Creating an Intimate Marriage by Jim Burns
- Revisiting Relational Youth Ministry by Andrew Root
- Youth Ministry 3.0 by Marko
- The Labyrinth of Solitude by Octavio Paz
- In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day by Mark Batterson
- Killing Cockroaches by Tony Morgan
- Tribes by Seth Godin
- Engaging the Soul of Youth Culture by Walt Mueller
What are you reading? I’d love to get some suggestions for next quarter.
(Photo by: Phil Moore on flickr)
Last week I started a series called “Great Reads.” I’m going to try to give you a glimpse of what I am reading online. Anyway, here are this week’s “great reads.”
A Student Ministry Catalyst’s Guide to TED 2008: Tony shares some insight for leaders from some of the TED talks this year.
1,000 True Fans: The key to selling music, videos, and other types of art in today’s marketplace.
The Cost of Raising Children: With child number 2 on the way, this post came at an inopportune time for me. Yikes!
Free is the Future: A post on how to give away stuff and be successful.
I’m going to try to start letting you know what I have been reading during the week. Maybe every Friday, I’ll post some interesting links from the week that I think make great reading.
So here it goes. Here are 5 posts I found interesting this week.
The Web 2.0 Pastor – Facebook and Status Updates: How can Facebook status updates and Twitter really help me get to know someone?
Blue Passport: Missionary Training: What did Darrell Whitman find when he surveyed several missions organizations about their strategy for missionary training?
DIY Creations & Homemade Wrinkle Release Tips: If you travel a lot, these tips are great for keeping your clothes wrinkle-free.
Why Some Speakers are Paid $10,000 for just a 40 minute speech: A great tip for improving your public speaking skills.
Adam’s Rules for Blogging: If you blog or are thinking about starting to blog, take a look at these rules for blogging.