I saw a post from Chris Brogan about free ebooks about social media, and I thought I would put out a list of free ebooks about youth ministry. The first link is where you can get the actual PDF file. The second link is the site that produced the ebook.

10 Free Ebooks for Youth Ministry

  1. 40 Icebreakers for Small Groups (PDF)Insight
  2. 130 Youth Ministry Tips and IdeasTim Schmoyer
  3. Bible Study Methods for Youth LeadersInsight
  4. 25 Free Marketing Tools You Can Use Right Now (PDF)Ministry Marketing Coach
  5. Facebook for Pastors (PDF)Ministry Marketing Coach
  6. How to Recruit Volunteers (sign up for the ebook)Ministry Best Practices
  7. So you Want to Start a Drama Team (PDF)The Preaching Thespian
  8. More than Make Believe (PDF)The Preaching Thespian
  9. So You Want to Start a Worship Team (PDF)Ministry Live
  10. When a Man’s Eye Wanders: Breaking the Power of Pornography (PDF)Radio Bible Class

Bonus: Generation Youtube (PDF)YouthMinistry TV (Full disclosure: I run youthministrytv.com)